Detroit catholic central average act score

Seniors Joseph Abramoski and Oliver Kammeraad earned composite scores of 36 with Patricio Ezdebski scoring a 36 superscore on the ACT during the 2022-2023 school year.

A composite score is the average of a student’s four test scores from their English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science tests, rounded to the nearest whole number.

According to the 2022 National ACT Profile Report, less than approximately 0.25 percent of test takers earn a 36 on their ACT.

Joseph prepared for the test by taking a test preparation course and doing mini quizzes daily. “To study for the ACT, I took a course with Huntington Learning Center. It helped me boost my score from a 33 to a 36. I would take a few mini quizzes a day leading up to it, and I read over their textbooks to review the Math and English sections of the ACT. When I received the news that I achieved a 36, I was quite glad. I felt proud of my hard work and being part of such a small group of peers across the country,” Joseph shared.

Oliver was also happy with his score. “To prepare for the ACT, I had a prep book, and I took one practice test before the exam. I did not do much to prepare because I knew I could always retake the test. After taking the test, I felt pretty confident I did well. I was very happy when I got my score back,” stated Oliver.

Senior Patricio Ezdebski scored a 36 superscore during the 2022-2023 school year. A superscore takes the top three composite scores and combines the highest score from each portion to make one superscore.

“I took the ACT two times - in April and June. I took free practice tests online the week before to study for my first ACT. The day before the test, I didn't study and made sure to get enough sleep. I had two cups of coffee on the test day to ensure I wouldn't get tired. I got a 35 composite because I missed a few questions on the reading, so I decided to retake it in June. I did ACT reading practice tests the week before and got a 36 reading subscore, bringing my superscore to a 36,” Patricio explained.

Superscores reflect a student’s best abilities, giving them a competitive advantage when it comes to earning scholarships and getting into the college of their choice.

However, colleges have different policies for accepting test scores. Not all schools use superscores. Some prefer to look at a student’s most recent test score while others use the highest. Despite this, the number of colleges that consider a student’s superscore is rising.

According to one study, ACT now endorses superscoring as a more predictive measure of how students may perform in their college courses than other scoring measures.

The study found that superscores and the number of tests a student takes not only reflect their academic college preparation but also reflect their motivational levels.

Specifically, students who were willing to give up several Saturdays to sit through multiple-hour tests to increase their ACT scores were more likely to ask questions in their college classes, visit their professors during off hours, and do extra credit.

“Because most schools, including the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, accept superscores nowadays, I was overjoyed when I first saw "36" on my score report. This score will help me get into a good college and save money through scholarships,” Patricio stated.

Patricio Ezdebski and Oliver Kammeraad were both named 2023-2024 National Merit Semifinalists earlier this year with Joseph Abramoski being named 2023-2024 National Merit Commended.