Undergraduate Admission

The Office of Undergraduate Admission is responsible for admission decisions for all undergraduate students: full-time and part-time, non-degree and degree-seeking, post baccalaureate, joint program, visiting, and dual admission.

Students should contact:

Office of Undergraduate Admission
10 W. 33rd St.
Perlstein Hall 101
Chicago, IL 60616
Telephone: 312.567.3025
Outside Chicago: 800.448.2329
Fax: 312.567.6939
E-mail: admission@iit.edu


A student registered for 12 credit hours or more is classified as a full-time student. A student registered for less than 12 credit hours is classified as a part-time student.

Acceptance of Admission/Enrollment Deposit

Students must submit a non-refundable matriculation deposit. This deposit is credited to the student’s account and will go toward the cost of attendance.

New Student Fee

First time undergraduate students are charged a one-time fee to cover the costs of orientation activities for their first term of enrollment.

Campus Locations

Undergraduate students can take courses at the Mies Campus. The Mies Campus has the most extensive offering of day and evening classes.

The Office of Digital Learning produces, delivers, and supports university courses, lectures and programs using educational technology. Through the Office of Digital Learning, academic departments offer 28 distance education degree and certificate programs to the university community around the world. Please note that undergraduate students must have departmental approval to register in online course sections.

Application as a First-Year Student

Special programs and scholarships have specific deadlines and supplemental applications. See admission.iit.edu for details.

Applicants must submit a non-refundable application fee, a completed application, transcripts from all high schools attended, and transcripts of all colleges (where applicable). International students should see additional requirements in the International Student section. The application is available online at apply.iit.edu.

Please note that the following requirements are the minimum requirements needed to be considered for admission to Illinois Tech. The Office of Undergraduate Admission evaluates all applications to ensure that applicants meet program-specific criteria such as proficiency in academic performance, coursework requirements, and rigor. Additional information such as essays and recommendations are considered in the application evaluation process. Additional admission requirements may vary by academic program.

Standardized Test Scores for First-Year Students

All students are encouraged to submit scores from either the College Entrance Examination Board’s Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I Reasoning) or the American College Test (ACT). The submission of SAT I and/or ACT scores is optional for admission and scholarship applications. The university will consider SAT II tests in math and science, but does not require them for admission or scholarship applications.

High School Requirements for First-Year Students

Graduates from an accredited high school applying for admission must present evidence that they have completed a minimum of 16 units of high school work. Most admitted students exceed this minimum. A unit may be defined broadly as the study of a major subject for one academic year in high school.

High school studies should provide a sound background for college study. Preparation in mathematics, for example, must have sufficient depth in geometry, trigonometry, and especially in algebra, to permit applicants for science and engineering programs to immediately begin the study of college-level calculus and analytical geometry. It is recommended that students interested in pursuing computer science, engineering, and physical or life science complete a minimum of four years of mathematics, including pre-calculus or advanced algebra/trigonometry.

A background in English must prepare a student to write well and to read intelligently and analytically, with depth and sensitivity of comprehension.


Material should include two of the following areas: biology, chemistry, or physics.

College Coursework Taken While Still in High School

Illinois Institute of Technology will accept college coursework taken while still in high school from other accredited universities and colleges, provided that the courses are comparable in nature, content, and level to those offered at Illinois Tech. Grades must be equivalent to a "C" or higher. Grades of "C-" are not acceptable for transfer credit. Official transcripts of all college work are required to be submitted as part of the application for admission to the Office of Undergraduate Admission, regardless of the transferability of credits.

Application as an International Student

International students are those who are neither citizens nor permanent residents of the United States. Though the required admission documents can vary depending upon individual circumstances, all international applicants must submit a non-refundable application fee, a completed application for admission, official transcripts in the native language, certified English translation of all transcripts, proof of English proficiency, and an affidavit of financial support. Please read the appropriate application requirements for first-year or transfer students. Prospective applicants should carefully read the description of requirements on the Undergraduate Admission website (apply.iit.edu).

English Proficiency

All international students must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). The minimum total scores for each examination are listed below along with any additional requirements:

[we accept the TOEFL iBT Home edition]

By accepting admission to the university, the student is agreeing to take any additional English courses that Illinois Institute of Technology deems necessary. Academic departments always reserve the right to require an English language assessment from any applicant.

Students who have studied in countries where English is the native language and students who achieve certain scores on the SAT I or ACT exam may also be considered for a waiver of the English proficiency test requirement. More details on these waiver conditions are available under the English Proficiency Requirement section of our International Admissions webpage.

Conditional English Admission

International applicants who are interested in attending Illinois Tech and who meet academic and financial requirements but do not meet the minimum English proficiency requirements may be offered conditional admission.

  1. Admission with additional English language courses: Applicants are offered admission on the condition that they enroll concurrently in English language courses alongside their other university courses, as determined by our English Language Services department.
  2. Admission after completion of the Intensive English program: Applicants are offered admission on the condition that they first complete the Intensive English program. Students who are offered this admission path are automatically admitted to Illinois Tech's Intensive English Program.

For more information on conditional admission, please click link below.

Application as a Transfer, Visiting, or Exchange Student

The Office of Undergraduate Admission is responsible for admission decisions for transfer, visiting, and exchange students. Transfer, visiting, and exchange students may apply for the fall or spring term in all majors. See admission.iit.edu for deadlines.

The transfer application may be obtained by visiting apply.iit.edu. Students must submit the Illinois Tech Transfer Application, a non-refundable application fee, and transcripts for all colleges and universities attended.

International students should see additional requirements in the International Student section.

Requirements for Transfer Students

Transfer applicants must be in good academic standing at their previous college(s) to be considered for admission to the university. Admission is based upon a cumulative grade point average (GPA) and individual grades in all classes that apply to the major selected. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 is recommended for transfer consideration. Students on academic probation, or who have been dismissed for academic or other reasons, will not be considered for transfer. Students must also be in good financial standing at all previous colleges attended.

Transfer applicants with fewer than 30 credit hours of transferable graded college coursework may be required to submit high school transcripts as part of their application.

Application as a Non-Degree-Seeking Student

Applicants who are taking courses for the following reasons will be limited to part-time enrollment:

A non-degree-seeking student must be admitted to the university. Admission is based on prerequisite coursework or other preparation necessary for the intended course. Non-degree-seeking students can read the description of admission requirements on the Undergraduate Admission website (admissions.iit.edu/undergraduate/).

Transfer of College-Level Credit

Transfer Credit

Official transfer credit evaluations are completed only after a student is admitted to the university and only from official college transcripts. Courses may be acceptable for transfer from accredited colleges and universities, provided they are comparable in nature, content, and level to those offered at Illinois Institute of Technology. Credit may also be accepted, based on appropriate documentation, for DANTES, military experience, and CLEP. The university does not grant credit for vocational courses or life/work experience. In addition, technology courses will not be accepted in any engineering program.

A maximum of 68 applicable credit hours of transfer credit is permitted from a two-year college. There is no maximum number of hours of transfer credit from a four-year college; however, the final 45 semester hours of any degree program must be completed at Illinois Institute of Technology. Any Co-terminal or Accelerated Master’s Program with both bachelor’s and master’s components in the same department is to be considered a unified degree program for this purpose, and thus all graduate coursework in such a program may count towards these 45 semester hours. Transfer credit will be accepted for courses completed with the equivalent of a grade of "C" or better. A grade of "C-" is not acceptable for transfer credit. Grades from transfer courses are not included in the Illinois Institute of Technology cumulative or major grade point average. In certain instances, the academic department must approve transfer credit if a long period of time has elapsed since the course was completed.

Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission (admission@iit.edu) regarding the transfer of courses from any college or university.

Advanced Placement Examinations

Illinois Institute of Technology will award credit for CEEB Advanced Placement (AP) examinations. Credit will vary by test score. A complete list of acceptable AP scores and Illinois Tech course equivalents may be found at iit.edu/ugaa.

International Baccalaureate Program

Students holding an International Baccalaureate (I.B.) diploma or who have successfully completed I.B. examinations may be awarded credit according to the following policies: college credit will be awarded for higher-level (HL) exams with a score of four or better; a maximum of 10 semester hours of credit for each HL exam can be awarded; and no credit is granted for work completed at the subsidiary level (SL). Scores should be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs (aa@iit.edu).

General Certificate of Education Examination - Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level

College credit will be awarded for General Certification of Education (GCE) examinations with a grade of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E". A maximum of 10 credit hours can be awarded for each advanced level (A-level) examination. A maximum of five credit hours can be awarded for each advanced subsidiary level (AS-level) examination.

Placement Assessments

Placement assessments are done prior to first enrollment. For students entering in the fall semester, placement assessments are scheduled in the summer preceding matriculation. For students entering in the spring semester, placement assessments are scheduled immediately preceding matriculation. Placement assessments are only used for placing students into the appropriate courses. Assessment results do not appear on the student’s official academic record and no academic credit is awarded. Placement assessment information is available through Blackboard Organizations. More details are available here.

Students are required to take up to three placement exams.

Immunization and Proof of Immunity

Illinois Institute of Technology is required to collect student immunization records and provide this information to the Illinois Department of Public Health, or its designated representative, in the event of a health emergency or compliance audit. All immunization documents submitted to the university become the property of the university. Unless required to do so by law, the university will not release student immunization records to any third party. Limited exemptions from showing proof of immunity can be accepted with official supporting documentation. In accordance with public health law, anyone with an exemption may be excluded from campus in the event of a health emergency. Additional proof of immunity for specific health conditions is required of international students who are not otherwise exempt. Students who do not comply with these requirements prior to, or during their first term of study, will be prevented from registering for subsequent terms. Questions regarding the immunization policy should be directed to the Student Health and Wellness Center at 312.567.7550 or iit.edu/shwc.

Change of Admission Status

The Office of Undergraduate Admission at Illinois Tech has the authority to deny or rescind admission to any applicant who is convicted of a felony or has failed to report or exhibited behavioral, moral/ethical, or academic concerns prior to or after the time of admission.

Students can defer for up to a maximum of two semesters or for one full academic year. If a student does not enroll within the maximum deferral period of two semesters, they must reapply for admission to Illinois Tech. View Illinois Tech's deferral policy here.